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Supreme Student Government (SSG)

1. Brigada Eskwela 2018

  • The Supreme Student Government of General Mariano Alvarez Technical High School helped in the annual project called Brigada Eskwela also known as the National Maintenance Week last May 28 – June 2, 2018 wherein all educators and stakeholders of General Mariano Alvarez voluntarily contributed and offered their time, effort and resources to ensure that the school facilities are ready in time for the opening of the school year. This ensured that all learners will have a safe, conducive and equitable place where learning takes place.


2. The Bust of General Mariano Alvarez

  • The officers of Supreme Student Government spearheaded the unveiling of a bust that will forever signify GMA through the effort of the two principals Dr. Elisa D. Hernandez and Dr. Rolando P. Dilidili, Head Teacher VI of AP/EsP Department, Mrs. Alicia M. Allada and Administrative Officer IV, Mrs. Rowena B. Bawalan. The said project was put into reality and will symbolize the faces and phases of GMATHS through the years.


3. Grade 7 Level Representative Election

  • The Supreme Student Government (SSG) conducted the Grade 7 level Representative Election to fill the empty position held on July 6, 2018.


4. orGRANDay 2018

  • To lessen the increasing number of students of GMATHS joining fraternities and sororities, the Supreme Student Government has come up with the idea of having a Grand Recruitment Day, also known as “orGRANDay”, wherein different existing organizations were given the opportunity to recruit their new members.


5. Convention of Students’ Security Group

  • The quarterly convention of students’ security group is a convention wherein the participants are all homeroom class presidents. The convention was headed by the school guidance counselor who discussed the school’s rules and regulations involving the role and responsibilities of being a GMATHSian.


6. Trashure Project

  • The Supreme Student Government led the event called the “Trashure Project” whose main objective is to teach young people about proper waste management. It is a contest for each year level which encourages everyone to collect the highest number of recyclable items. The proceeds of the project go to civic programs of the SSG.


7. Teachers’ Day Treat, Teachers’ Day Contest, and World Teachers’ Day Celebration

  • The Teachers’ Day Contest was held on the 1st day of October, spearheaded by the Supreme Student Government. In this event, SSG prepared several contests including Essay Writing Contest, Poster Making Contest, Thank You Card Making Contest, Film Making Contest and Spoken Poetry Contest.

  • The second activity, the Teachers’ Day Treat, was held on the 3rd day of October. In this event, the Supreme Student Government prepared the following services for free: manicure, pedicure, massage, hair color and haircut. This activity aims to pamper the teachers after a year of tirelessly imparting knowledge to the students.

  • The third and last was the World Teachers’ Day Celebration which was held on the 4th day October at RPD Multipurpose Hall. It was organized by GMATHSTEA and the Supreme Student Government.  All the expenses in the said activities were sourced from the Trashure Project.


8. 2018 Campus Leadership Training Camp

  • The GMATHS Supreme Student Government conducted one of its major projects which is the Campus Leadership Training Camp with the theme “Think Global Act Local: Building Multifaceted Unity Rooted in Shared Diversity.” It was held on February 01 – 03, 2019. All student leaders were enthusiastic participating in the different activities intended for the development of their leadership skills.


9. Supreme Student Government Elections 2018-2019

  • The Supreme Student Government conducted its school-wide elections for the school year 2019-2020. Election Day and the proclamation of the winners were held on February 26, 2019.

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