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The Special Program in Technical-Vocational Education (SPTVE) is the updated version of Strengthened Technical-Vocational Education Program (STVEP).


  • This program provides complete development of the individual as a total person equipped with technical-vocational, entrepreneurial and academic competencies, proper work ethic, and desirable values that will make an individual economically stable, responsible, law-abiding, can manage own business, college-ready, and competitive in the world of work.



  • The SPTVE seeks to provide opportunities for junior and senior high school learners to acquire the necessary skills and competence that will prepare them for employment, higher education, entrepreneurial or further skills training.



The SPTVE aims to:

a. Provide career options to learners through the SPTVE;

b. equip learners with certifiable technical, vocational, industrial, entrepreneurial and other relevant skills that will make them productive citizens;

c. improve learners’ skills performance and academic achievement through inter-disciplinary courses;

d. upgrade the competency of technical-vocational teachers in the delivery of basic and certifiable skills in the different technical-vocational courses through skills trainings and enhancement, industry exposures, seminars, and formal studies;

e. develop niche among techvoc schools that will serve as centers of excellence in the division/ region; and

f.  provide technical assistance to techvoc schools to acquire TESDA recognition as training and/or assessment centers/venues.


General Mariano Alvarez Technical High School, one of the two leading public technical vocational high schools in Cavite, implements the Strengthened Technical Vocational Education Program (STVEP) using the Competency-Based Curriculum (skills-based) with Technical-Vocational Education (TVE) as the core of the program. It is a framework or guide for the subsequent detailed development of curriculum and associated methodologies, and training and assessment resources. The Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) specifies outcomes which are consistent with the requirements of the workplace as agreed through the industry or community consultations.

STVEP program has the following objectives:

1. Provide high school graduates with opportunities to acquire certifiable vocational and technical skills that would allow broader options in pursuing their post-secondary career whether this is college education, short-term technical courses, entrepreneurship or apprenticeship leading to eventual formal employment.

2. Provide high school graduates with employable and entrepreneurial skills that will provide them with means and resources to support their post-secondary career as well as enabling them to support formal schooling opportunities for the younger siblings of the family.

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